I rush home to find my wife packed and ready to go. I pack my camera and we're off to the hospital.
We reach there and she goes upstairs while I park the car. Get the bags and I go upstairs. I reach the labour room and she is in her gown already in the bed strapped up.
The nurses inform me that I have to go downstairs to register. I do so and come upstairs. I find out that the doctor is there and they broke the water bag.
When my son was born, it was 4 hours after the water bag broke. So I thought 'ok there's time'. How wrong I was.
The water broke at 9am and my baby girl was born at 9.51am.

I would like to introduce Caelyanne Josefina Loke Fernandez to the world. Caely = slender & Anne = Grace. My little princess

She looks a lot like her brother. Can you tell the difference?