I was working today when I got a call. Come back now!! It's time? What now
I rush home to find my wife packed and ready to go. I pack my camera and we're off to the hospital.
We reach there and she goes upstairs while I park the car. Get the bags and I go upstairs. I reach the labour room and she is in her gown already in the bed strapped up.
The nurses inform me that I have to go downstairs to register. I do so and come upstairs. I find out that the doctor is there and they broke the water bag.
When my son was born, it was 4 hours after the water bag broke. So I thought 'ok there's time'. How wrong I was.
The water broke at 9am and my baby girl was born at 9.51am.

I would like to introduce Caelyanne Josefina Loke Fernandez to the world. Caely = slender & Anne = Grace. My little princess

She looks a lot like her brother. Can you tell the difference?
How time flies. I still remember the day my wife told me to check on the vitamins. She put the home pregnancy test next to the bottle of vitamins. The result showed positive. Me, just coming back from work, checked on the vitamins and said "what's wrong. Every thing looks ok what" it took me a full minute to notice the result

Just to make sure we got a different test and tested again
Once again it was positive. Then came the doctor, some worries as the earlier post explains and now I'm here again waiting for the doctor once more for a normal check up
Wow a month and a bit more to go before I can hold my little girl in my arms. Isn't life amazing. Daddy loves you and can't wait to meet you
Wow what a start to the year and I get fucked again. I can't say that I'm surprised but I was hoping loyalty and hard work will be rewarded. Aparently not.
A year ago I signed a 2 year contract with the company I work for. I didn't like what was written on it but the company was facing a bad year. Besides that my boss told me don't worry we would be able to discuss the contract at year end again if all goes well. All did go well. We mantained our position even though I was face with a new partner.
So naturally I would think this would count for something. HAH! How I was wrong. Apperently company didn't do good so nothing extra for my hard work. Normally this wouldn't bother me but when I find out internally the are a certain few who are getting their extras even though their department in way below mine, what the fuck man.
When I asked about the extras my boss tell me "maybe, let me see if there is any marit for the extra". How about I mantained the position even with a new partner. Don't get me wrong I have much love for my old partner but why is he getting more when he abondon ship and I help steady it.
Does good things happen to those who wait or to those who make the most noise, create the most fuss and hangs out with the boss. I think the latter. What the fuck man. Loyalty is repaid with a knife in the back with the words thank you dumb dumb ingraved on it.
Last time I get fooled. From this point I come first. My collection of knives in my back is more then complete