As I write this my wife and I are waiting for the doctors. Got a call to come in to speak on the result on her blood test. It's hard trying to be strong for her as I'm a wreck inside but I'm trying my best. Oh god please make it something small if not please give me the strength to be there for her.
I've change the title of my post. It was suppose to be "a long day" but now it's "a long few days". At the doctors now again. Gonna do one more test this time they are drawing something different. I'm affraid but can' t show it. We will know on Thursday. I pray all goes well
It's Thursday now and doctor said she will call at 2pm. Waiting....
Still waiting....
It's past 2 and I'm worried. Time to put on a strong face.
Called the doctors office and they said they'll call back... Still waiting
I can breath again and the doctor say everything is OK and that it's a girl. Thank You GOD!!
I've promised to write more often and now that I can do it on my phone I will try.
A thought came to me, how do you miss someone you haven't really met. Is it possible? The answer is yes.
Xara your uncle remembers you and misses you. You'll always be our angel. Lookout for the whole family like you have been doing. Thank You

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